Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Coping in first stage of Labour-Impact of Ice Massage over energy meridian Point

K. Saraswathy, Dr. Latha Venkatesan

Abstract :

Childbirth is not the joyous event; it is a time of pain, fear and sufferings. The fact is that the experience of giving birth through natural process can be a pleasant one.Research methodology: Sixty primiparturient mothers were selected through systematic random sampling technique.A True experimental–Time series design with multiple institution of treatment was conducted at selected hospital in Kanchipuram. Pain coping scale and WHO modified partograph and rating scale on the level of acceptability on ice massage over energy meridian point were used to collect the data. Results:The mean and standard deviation of coping scores of the control group parturient mothers were low in after the therapy (M – 2.74, SD – 0.723) compared to the level of coping score before the therapy (M – 4.79, SD – 1.115). In the experimental group the coping score after the therapy was high (M – 5.60, SD – 0.928) compared to the level of coping score before the therapy (M – 2.96, SD – 0.331).  The difference was found statistically significant at P < 0.001 level of confidence and can be attributed to the effectiveness of ice massage.The ice massage increased uterine contraction, decreased frequency interval of contraction and shortens the duration of labour. Conclusion: Ice massage over energy meridian point is a simple, easy to implement and most acceptable way to cope up with pain among parturient mothers with labour pain.

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K.Saraswathy, Dr.Latha Venkatesan, Coping in first stage of Labour–Impact of Ice Massage over energy meridian Point, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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