Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Consumers Perception Towards Nano Car–A Study With Special Reference To Coimbatore City

Dr. S. Shalini, M. Kanakaraj

Abstract :

The Indian automobile industry is the tenth largest in the world with an annual production of two million units. Indian Auto Industry promises to become the major automotive industry in the upcoming years and the industry experts are hopeful that it will touch ten million units mark. Tata Motors dominates over 60% of the Indian commercial vehicle market. Tata motors are the largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturers in India. This study would be useful for companies to know the acceptance level of NANO by its customers. It would be also useful for companies to form strategies according to perception of people about Nano. This study is based on data collected from Hundredcustomers of TATAs Nano car confined to Coimbatore city. Primary data was collected by using a structured questionnaire. The main factor that attracted and influenced the purchase decision of Nano is its price. The study on perception of customers on Tata’s Nano car also gives an insight on the acceptance level of the respondents towards the Tata’s Nano car.

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Dr.S.Shalini,M.Kanakaraj "Consumers Perception Towards Nano Car” - A Study With Special Reference To Coimbatore City International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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