Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Consumer Adoption of Net Banking in Tier–III Cities of Andhra Pradesh: An Empirical Study

Mr. S. Reddy Murali, Prof. V. Mallikarjuna

Abstract :

Usage of internet is more readily available in present business environment due to technological spread. To gain advantage of internet usage by the customers almost all the bankers are extended their banking services through internet. However the use of such technologies by the customers in banking services is still moderately slow. In this link there is a need to access the factors which will influence the technology acceptance and adoption inthese banking services by the customers. The main purpose of this study is to examine the factors which will influence the adoption of net banking by using technology acceptance model (TAM). Through survey method 250 questionnaires were circulated out of which 230 were accepted as valid instruments for primary data. From the data analysis it is found that the factors perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, customer traits, perceived self efficacy, perceived related advantage, perceive credibility and trailabilty significantly influenced customers’ adoption towards usage of net banking. Therefore from the results of data analysis it is understood that above factors are vital in technology acceptance and adoption by the customers towards net banking usage. The study practically directs the online banking service providers to take necessary measures to grab the opportunities in the electronic commerce environment.

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Mr.S.Reddy Murali, Prof.V.Mallikarjuna Consumer Adoption of Net Banking in Tier-III Cities of Andhra Pradesh: An Empirical Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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