Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Consultation Liaision Medicine; Interactions between Skin & Mind.

Dr Jayesh Mukhi, Dr Abhishek Somani, Dr Charuhas Akre

Abstract :

Psycho dermatology addresses the interaction between mind and skin. Psychiatry is more focused on the ‘internal’ no visible disease and dermatology is focused on the ‘external’ visible disease. There exists a complex interplay between the two disciplines which needs to be understood to offer correct treatment. Psycho– dermatologic disorders fall into three categories: psycho–physiologic disorders, primary psychiatric disorders and secondary psychiatric disorders. Psycho–physiologic disorders (e.g. psoriasis and eczema) are associated with skin problems that are not directly connected to the mind but that react to emotional states, such as stress. Primary psychiatric disorders involve psychiatric conditions that result in self–induced cutaneous manifestations, such as trichotillomania and delusions of parasitosis. Secondary psychiatric disorders are associated with disfiguring skin disorders. The disfigurement results in psychological problems, such as decreased self–esteem, depression or social phobia. In more than one third of dermatology patients, effective managements of skin conditions involve consideration of associated psychological factors.

Conclusion: Increased understanding of bio psychological approaches and liaison among primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and dermatologist could be very useful and highly beneficial.

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Dr Jayesh Mukhi, Dr Abhishek Somani, Dr Charuhas Akre, Consultation Liaision Medicine; Interactions between Skin & Mind., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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