Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Construction of Language Creativity Test in Tamil for Higher Secondary Students

M. Suresh Prabakaran, Dr. N. O. Nellaiyapen

Abstract :

The aim of this present study is to measure the Language Creativity in Tamil among higher secondary students. The test has five sub–tests namely: i) Plot building or story construction, ii) Descriptive style iii) Poetic Diction, iv) Vocabulary test and v) Dialogue writing. There are 15 items constructed by the investigator with help of the language experts and subject experts in Tamil. Finally all the 15 items are selected for the final study. The basic behind this classification is that in creative writing, words employed and ideas expressed are unique in their own way and the students can opt for any stream of writing viz., poetry, lyric, story, drama, essay or letter–writing as their medium of expression.

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M.SURESH PRABAKARAN, Dr. N.O. NELLAIYAPEN Construction of Language Creativity Test in Tamil for Higher Secondary Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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