Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Congenital H type Tracheo–Esophageal Fistula– A case report

Dr. Sivaprabha S Pillai, Dr. Tejas Patel, Dr. Rakesh Sanol, Dr. Renish H Patel, Dr. Mohd. Azim M. Qureshi, Dr. Dhiren Patel, Dr. Tatskumar B. Joshi

Abstract :

Tracheo–Esophageal Fistula (TEF) without associated esophageal atresia is a rare congenital anomaly Here we are reporting a case of an 8month old female infant with H type trachea–esophageal fistula. The infant presented with complaints of cough and vomiting after every feeds. She had been experiencing these symptoms since early neonatal period and had been admitted several times with diagnosis of pneumonia, but a definitive diagnosis was never made. Contrast esophagogram and contrast CT scan revealed a communication between esophagus and trachea. The surgery was performed through a right thoracotomy approach, division and suture of the fistula was done uneventfully.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Sivaprabha S Pillai,Dr. Tejas Patel,Dr. Rakesh Sanol,Dr. Renish H Patel,Dr.Mohd.Azim M.Qureshi,Dr. Dhiren Patel Congenital ‘H’ type Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula- A case report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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