Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Conflict In Policy Implementation: A Case Study In An Exploited Forest Landscape Of South Assam

Shovan Dattagupta, Abhik Gupta

Abstract :

 Forest management in the form of Joint Forest management (JFM) is a symbiotic associational approach of two  major stakeholders – forest dwellers and forest department. In Inner Line Reserve forest (ILRF) large–scale plantations of timber yielding tree species like TectonagrandisGmelinaarboreaetc were undertaken without giving much importance to augmentation of diversity of NTFP–yielding plants that are effectively important for the livelihood of the forest villagers. In order to preferentially  maintain the growth and health of a few commercially important target species the other naturally regenerating herbs, shrubs and tree were  eliminated following classical silvicultural technique. Severe falling of tree species at premature stage regularly occurred in the plantation  site of the forest department, predominantly in the plantation of JFM. This paper analyses policy assignation and conflict of interest among  stakeholders in ILRF in the light of recent legislations on non– timber forest product utilization and the right of forest dwellers

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Shovan Dattagupta, Abhik Gupta Conflict In Policy Implementation: A Case Study In An Exploited Forest Landscape Of South Assam International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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