Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Computer Simulation of Luminescence in Silicon Rich Oxide thin Films Arising From Silicon–Oxygen Bonds

N. D. Espinosa Torres, J. F. J Flores Gracia, J. A. Luna Lopez, D. Hernandez De La Luz, J. Martinez Juarez

Abstract :

A new Global Reaction Model (GRM)has been used to evaluate theoretically the optical properties of nanostructured Silicon-Rich Oxides (SRO) thin films. In this work we evaluate the optical spectra of a selected set of [Sin On ] nano-structures (5 26 ≤ ≤n ). We obtain FTIR, Raman and luminescence spectra, besides, we calculate the Orbital Energies plots and propose a plausible mechanism for the generation of this kind of nanostructures which considers the necessary reactions for the formation of different oxide matrices along with the compositional and lumines-cence spectra changes, before and after the thermal treatment. For the case of luminescence stu-dies, we make comparisons between our theoretical luminescent spectra with those of electrolu-minescence obtained from thin SRO films grown by the LPCVD technique, finding that the expe-rimental observed spectrum peak at ~690 nm is in good agreement within experimental precision with the corresponding one for the calculated Si15O15 structure (694.37 nm).Similar situation happens for the case of the Si11O11 nano-structurewhich has an emission peak at 699 nm.

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N. D. Espinosa-Torres, J. F. J Flores-Gracia, J. A. Luna-Lopez, D. Hernandez de la Luz, J. Martinez-Juarez Computer Simulation of Luminescence in Silicon Rich Oxidethin Films Arising Fromsilicon-Oxygen Bonds International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 7 July 2014

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