Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Computed Tomography findings in clinically diagnosed patients of Stroke

Dr Abhijit Mahaveer Patil, Dr Tushar Madhavrao Kalekar, Dr Gandage S G

Abstract :

 Cereovascular accidents or Stroke is a neurological emergency having a large prevalence in Indian population. It important to confirm the diagnosis on imaging to differentiate ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and to rule out stroke mimics for appropriate management. The objective of our study was to 1) Radiologically evaluate patients with clinical diagnosis of Stroke, 2) To exclude other causes that present similarly as intracranial space occupying lesions, abscesses, subdural haemorrhage etc. 3) To differentiate between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. 4) To determine the areas of ain involvement by stroke. 5) To look for associated complications as oedema, mass effect and herniation. 100 patients referred to our department with clinical suspicious of stroke from various other departments of our hospital as well as outside were subjected to computed tomography (CT) scan. Our study showed ischemic stroke was more common than hemorrhagic stroke. Stroke mimics also formed a sizeable population in our study. We inferred that CT scan plays an important role in patients of clinically suspected stroke

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Dr Abhijit Mahaveer Patil, Dr Tushar Madhavrao Kalekar, Dr Gandage S G Computed Tomography findings in clinically diagnosed patients of Stroke International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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