Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of A Turbocharger System

Shalini Bhardwaj, Yashwant Buke

Abstract :

In recent years, manufacturing industries are employed a new manufacturing methods to increase environmental protection and improved output. CFD is a complimentaryexperimental, theoreticalapproach forsimulating real flow as it is much cheaper than experimental testing.CFDas an analyzing tool for the turbocharger design, enhances off–design operation and improves performance. This paper describes the procedure of analyzing the turbocharger flow passage using CFD

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Shalini Bhardwaj, Yashwant Buke Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of A Turbocharger System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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