Volume : II, Issue : III, March - 2013

Compression & Security Techniques on image

Syed Mahmud Hossein

Abstract :

Compression and Encryption techniques are getting very popular day by day as compression reduces file size & encryption ensures the security of a particular file which is to be sent over some unreliable network like internet. Our main objective was to encrypt a image file, compress it using any compression algorithm and send it over the mail such that the receiver gets the image file in more compressed format. On the way of doing this, at first we digitized a image file and encrypted it using selective Encryption algorithm. After that compressed it using Huffman algorithm. Information security is the most challenging question to protect the data from unauthorized user. This proposed method may also protect the data from hackers. It can provide the data security, the exact coded value are necessary for decoding time by using only exact coded value provided by encoded as well as decoded time, this proposed method protect the data by using ASCII code this types of data security is applied in tier one & two. In tier three we have use selective encryption techniques for better securities. Speed of encryption and security levels are two important measurements for evaluating any encryption system. This method are use only particular available ASCII code are able to encryption purpose or pattern are use for selection purpose also. The reverse process has been applied to get the original image file but in more compressed format. When a user searches for any an image, a encrypted compressed sequence file can be sent from the data source to the user. The encrypted compressed file then can be decrypted & decompressed at the client end resulting in reduced transmission time over the Internet.

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Syed Mahmud Hossein Compression & Security Techniques on image International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.III March 2013

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