Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Complementary Role of Ultrasound and mammography in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Dr Archana Salvi, Dr Jigar Salvi

Abstract :

 Introduction: The global incidence and mortality of east cancer have increased steadily in the past decades, and east cancer is recognized as an important health problem for women. Mammography and ultrasound are commonly used anatomic imaging procedures to detect east cancer, but they have several limitations. Material & Methods: Patients with a personal history of east cancer were excluded from this study. One hundred twenty women who met the study criteria were enrolled. All had undergone mammography and ultrasound to evaluate the east lesion or lesions. Biopsy was performed when considered clinically necessary, and biopsy results were used as the reference standard. Results: Fifteen of the 17 lesions (88.2%) were in patients with heterogeneously or extremely dense easts. Two east lesions were identified in nondense easts: One was classified as invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 0.2 cm and one as DCIS without microcalcifications measuring 0.8 cm. Seven of the 17 east lesions had microcalcifications identified by mammography but were interpreted as indeterminate or benign. Conclusions: Hence it was concluded that Interpretation of Ultrasound had better specificity than mammography. It is a simple approach that can be integrated into clinical practice without additional imaging or radiation.

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Dr Archana Salvi, Dr Jigar Salvi Complementary Role of Ultrasound and mammography in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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