Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Comparison the burnout levels of nursing staff and analyzing the relationship between individual/work characteristic

Zahra Ghojavand, Ghasem Ghojavand

Abstract :

Burnout, one such stress–related outcome,has been conceptualized as a multidimensional construct consisting of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. In order to prevent burnout among nurses, key causes of burnout must be identified and targeted for direct intervention. Therefore the purpose of the study was to compare the burnout levels of nursing staff employed in hospitals affiliated to the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences to normative data in order to assess whether they differed significantly; and to analyze the relationship between individual/work characteristics and burnout. Methods:Randomized survey methodology was used for this study. The sample size consisted of 873 nursing staff employed in hospitals affiliated to the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.Two instruments were used to gather data in this study: Maslach Burnout InventoryHuman Service Survey (MBI–HSS) and demographic questionnaire. Results: The scores for nurses were not significantly different on depersonalization from normative groups; however the sample members exhibited higheremotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment compared to normative group.Emotional exhaustionwas positively associated with depersonalization but personal accomplishment was negatively associated with depersonalization. Age was negatively associated with depersonalization. Years working were negatively associated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The number ofhours worked as a nurse was negatively associated withpersonal accomplishment. Working overtime was positively associated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Job success, job satisfaction, career interests, hobby, and exercise were negatively associatedwith emotional exhaustion; additionally, job success, job satisfaction, career interests, hobby,and exercise were negatively associatedwith depersonalization.

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Zahra Ghojavand, Ghasem Ghojavand Comparison The Burnout Levels of Nursing Staff and Analyzing the Relationship Between Individual/Work Characteristic International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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