Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Comparison of two different doses of intrathecal dexmedetomidine as adjuvant with isobaric levobupivacaine in infraumblical surgery

Dr. O P Pandey, Dr. Neelam Singh, Dr. Nitin Gautam, Dr. L S Mishra

Abstract :

 Background: To augment the subarachnoid block utility, the efficacy of newer molecules as an adjuvant is investigated constantly. Considering the favorable profile of dexmedetomidine, it could have a potential role as an adjuvant to isobaric levobupivacaine.


Aim: We evaluated the efficacy of two different doses of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to isobaric levobupivacaine, intrathecally.


Materials and Methods: 120 American Society of Anaesthesiologist (ASA) Grade I and II patients undergoing infraumblical surgeries between the ages of 18–60 years and height >150 cm were randomly divided into two groups of 60 patients each: Group D3 to receive 3μg of Inj. Dexmedetomidine (0.5 ml, reconstituted using normal saline) along with 12.5 mg (2.5 ml) of 0.5% isobaric levobupivacaine and Group D5 to receive 5μg of inj. Dexmedetomidine (0.5 ml, reconstituted using normal saline) along with 12.5 mg (2.5 ml) of 0.5% isobaric levobupivacaine keeping the total volume of study drug constant in all 120 patients (3 ml). Data recordings were done for time to reach best sensory and motor block, intra– operative haemodynamic changes and duration of postoperative analgesia. Statistical analysis was done using student‘s t–test and Chi–square test with p–value of <0.05 considered to be significant.


Results: Time to achieve desired block was less in group D5 compared to group D3. The sensory and motor blockade remained significantly prolonged in group D5 compared to group D3. Hemodynamic parameters remained stable in all three groups.


Conclusion: Used in a dose of 5μg (in 0.5 ml volume) as an additive in spinal anaesthesia maximal beneficial effect of dexmedetomidine can be obtained without any side effects

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Comparison of two different doses of intrathecal dexmedetomidine as adjuvant with isobaric levobupivacaine in infraumblical surgery , Dr.O P Pandey, Dr.Neelam Singh, Dr.Nitin Gautam, Dr.L S Mishra , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-12| December-2018

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