Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium–off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus.

Dr. Nikhil Rupareliya, Dr. Palak Shah, Dr. Nilam Chaudhary, Dr. Rupal Bhatt

Abstract :

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking(TE-CXL) as compared to epithelium-off crosslinking(epi-off CXL) in progressive keratoconus.Prospective study involving 20 patients with 3 months follow-up was undertaken.Pre and post-operative measurements of patient comfort,BCVA,refraction,corneal haze,keratometry,topography and specular microscopy were compared.There was no statistical significant difference in terms of BCVA,refraction,corneal thickness,keratometry values,specular microscopy counts between the two groups at 3 month follow-up.Statistically significant difference was noted in terms of patient comfort and corneal haze;TE-CXL group having better patient comfort and less corneal haze.So both the techniques are safe and effective;TE-CXL is better tolerated by patients.

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Dr.Nikhil Rupareliya,Dr.Palak Shah,Dr. Nilam Chaudhary,Dr. Rupal Bhatt Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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