Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Comparison Of Total Intravenous Anaesthesia With Propofol, Propofol–Thiopentone Admixture And Propofol–Ketamine Admixture, For Short Surgical Procedure

Dr Nihar Sharma, Dr Siddharth Sharma

Abstract :

 Background and Objective: In the present study propofol alone and admixtures of propofol–ketamine and propofol–thiopentone was compared for short surgical procedures.

Methods: This was a randomized double blinded study conducted in 75 ASA I and II patients aged 15– 55 years, randomly assigned in three groups (25 each).

GROUP 1. 1% propofol and 1.25% thiopentone admixture

GROUP 2. 1% propofol and 0.5% ketamine admixture

GROUP 3. 1% propofol alone

Intraoperative hemodynamics and recovery and discharge profile were noted.

Conclusion: Combination of propofol–thiopentone and propofol–ketamine results in better hemodynamic profile intraoperatively as compared to propofol alone; out of the two admixtures propofol–ketamine provides better hemodynamic stability.

The mean recovery time was prolonged in group1 and 2 than group 3.

The incidence of complications was comparable in all three groups. The incidence of apnea was less in propofol–ketamine group.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Nihar Sharma, Dr Siddharth Sharma, Comparison Of Total Intravenous Anaesthesia With Propofol, Propofol–Thiopentone Admixture And Propofol–Ketamine Admixture, For Short Surgical Procedure, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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