Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Comparison of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Conventional Concrete in Construction of Concrete Pavements

Dondeti Sukanya, Dr. S. Siddiraju

Abstract :

 If properly designed, constructed and maintained, reinforced structures are generally very durable. However, for  structures in aggressive environment corrosion of steel can be significant problem. To overcome this problem, sometimes synthetic fibers are added to the concrete mix. Synthetic fibers are used in our study are polypropylene and polyester. In this study, the  results of strength properties of synthetic fiber reinforced concrete are presented. Also conducted the conventional tests for concrete such as  the compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete samples are made with different amounts. 

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Dondeti Sukanya, Dr. S. SiddiRaju Comparison of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Conventional Concrete in Construction of Concrete Pavements International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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