Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Comparison of RIPASA and Modified Alvarado scores in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

Vasant A. Deshmukh, Macnol Jose Afonso

Abstract :

Introduction and method – Patients admitted with clinical suspicion of acute appendicitis and being operated with emergency appendectomy were included.150 cases were studied in a prospective comparative design. Detailed history, examination and relevant investigation results were recorded in predesigned case–record forms. The decision for emergency appendectomy or conservative treatment was made on clinical judgment. Operative notes and histopathology reports were reviewed and correlated with the RIPASA and modified Alvarado scores.Parameters of the two scoring systems were compared using ROC curves.Result and Discussion –Data analysis of the 150 patients included with ROC curves and AUC showed statistically significant difference between RIPASA and Alvarado scorings, RIPASA having a better sensitivity and specificity. Difference in the AUC of ROC curves was 13%, representing 19 patients who would have been missed by Alvarado score but were correctly diagnosed by RIPASA. But there was no significant difference in diagnosing correctly the cases of non–appendicitis. Also, had the scores been used to influence the decision for surgery, the negative appendectomy rates would have reduced significantly. Conclusion– Scoring system acts as useful adjunct to clinical diagnosis. The RIPASA, although more extensive, can be preferred over the Alvarado because of its higher accuracy

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Vasant A. Deshmukh, Macnol Jose Afonso Comparison of RIPASA and Modified Alvarado Scores in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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