Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Comparison of Post–Operative Analgesic Effects of Pre–Operative Pregabalin with Diclofenac in Head and Neck Surgery

Dr Sumesh T. Rao, Dr Murugesh Wali, Dr Vertika Sachan, Dr Madhusudan Upadya

Abstract :

Background: Study conducted to compare effects of pre-emptive pregabalin with diclofenac on post-operative after head and neck surgery. Side effects assessed, and hemodynamics for 24 hrs post-operatively observed. Methods: Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study on 66 ASA 1 and 2 patients between 18-60 yrs posted for elective head and neck procedures. Patients were randomized in two groups. Pre-emptive analgesia was given 1 hr before surgery with • 75 mg diclofenac orally • 150 mg pregabalin orally Primary outcomes were severity of postoperative pain, and postoperative analgesic requirement (IM diclofenac 75mg). Secondary outcomes were incidence and severity of side-effects. Results: Patients in the pregabalin group: had less post-operative pain in the 12 - 24 hour period, were sedated more during the first 8 hrs, and less of them needed postoperative rescue analgesic, in lower doses. Conclusion: Oral pregabalin 150 mg administered pre-operatively was more effective in reducing postoperative pain and rescue analgesic requirement in patients undergoing elective Head and Neck Surgeries compared to diclofenac.

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Dr Sumesh T. Rao, Dr Murugesh Wali, Dr Vertika Sachan, Dr Madhusudan Upadya Comparison of Post-Operative Analgesic Effects of Pre-Operative Pregabalin with Diclofenac in Head and Neck Surgery International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 8 August 2013

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