Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Comparison of Immunochromatography with RT–PCR for Detection of Rotavirus in Fecal Samples

G Manjula

Abstract :

The study was conducted to detect the prevalence of rotavirus associated diarrhea in children less than 2 years of age and to evaluate the efficiency of rapid immunochromatographic test [ICT] in rotavirus antigen detection and also to compare its performance against Polymerase chain reaction [ RT-PCR ], the gold standard test. A total of 100 stool samples were collected from hospitalized children less than 2 years of age with loose stool without blood and mucus. All 100 samples were tested for rotavirus by both rapid immunochromatography and RT-PCR.Out of 100 children tested by rapid ICT, 34% were positive for Rotavirus antigen in the stool sample and 64% by RT-PCR .All 34 samples positive by ICT were positive by RT-PCR also. Of the both ICT and RT-PCR samples (34), 28(82%) samples had Ct values of less than 30 indicating a high viral load. Only 6(18%) samples had Ct value of more than 30 where as in samples which were negative by ICT and positive by RT-PCR (30), 29(97%) samples had Ct values more than 30 which indicates a lesser viral load. Rapid ICT had a sensitivity of 53.1%, Specificity of 100% when evaluated against RT-PCR as gold standard. Rotavirus is the major cause of acute diarrhoea in children less than two years of age. Highly sensitive detection method like RT-PCR is necessary to find out the prevalence of rotavirus infection, though ICT can be used as an alternate test for rapid diagnosis in emergency testing.

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G Manjula Comparison of Immunochromatography with RT-PCR for Detection of Rotavirus in Fecal Samples International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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