Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Comparison Of Complications During Induction, Maintenance, Recovery And Post – Operative Period With Sevoflurane And Propofol In Paediatric Day Care Anaesthesia

Dr. Maulik M. Patel, Dr. Nimesh Patel, Dr. Manish V. Patel

Abstract :

Objective: To compare complications during induction, maintenance, recovery and post-operative period with sevoflurane and propofol. Methods: In this randomized study, a total of fifty children, American Society of Anaesthesiologist (ASA) status I or II, were assigned randomly to intravenous propofol(Group P) or inhalatory sevoflurane group(Group S).N2O was used in both groups. Complications were observed and noted during induction, maintenance and recovery. A chi- square test was used to determine statistical significance of complications data. Results: No significant differences were detected in age, sex and ASA grading between two groups. During induction, Group P got complications like hypotension in 5 patients (20%), pain on injection in 3 patients (12%) and apnea in 3 patients (12%). Hypotension was noted in 3 patients (12%) of group S. Hypotension was noted in 2 patients (8%) of Group S and 3 patients (12%) of Group P during maintenance. In Group S, 4 patients (16%) had emergence agitation and 2 patients (8%) had nausea and vomiting during recovery and post-operative period. Conclusion: Pain on injection, Apnea, decreased blood pressure more with propofol but not significantly comparable to sevoflurane. Sevoflurane was associated with nausea and vomiting and emergence agitation but not significantly comparable to Propofol. Complications during induction, maintenance, recovery and postoperative period were not significantly different between sevoflurane and propofol groups.

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Dr.Maulik M. Patel, Dr.Nimesh Patel, Dr.Manish V. Patel Comparison Of Complications During Induction, Maintenance, Recovery And Post - Operative Period With Sevoflurane And Propofol In Paediatric Day Care Anaesthesia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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