Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Dr. Sai Chandra Niveditha. A N , Dr. Rigved. N, Dr. Kartheek. S, Dr. Ch Srujith, Dr A. Aswini Kumar, Dr. Swarnalatha . G

Abstract :

 Background: Urine trypsinogen–2 (UT2) as a screening test for acute pancreatitis and comparision of the results with standard blood tests for acute pancreatitis(Amylase and Lipase). Methods: In 100 patients with acute abdominal pain presenting to the emergency room, urine samples were obtained and tested for trypsinogen levels with the dipstick.Then,we compared the urinary trypsinogen–2 dipstick test and serum amylase and lipase levels in all the cases with provisional diagnosis of acute pancreatitis which was made on the basis of a typical clinical picture and elevated serum amylase,lipase levels and/or radiological evidence.All the positive cases were confirmed by studying Contrast Enhanced CT scan of Abdomen in later course. Results: Urine trypsinogen–2 dipstick test was having 97.2% sensitivity and 93.75% specificity in diagnosing acute pancreatitis. It was found to be better than Serum amylase and Lipase in diagnosing acute pancreatitis. Conclusion: Urine Trypsinogen test is a simple, non–invasive test in diagnosing acute pancreatitis in emergency department. As the sensitivity and specificity are high, it can be used as a screening test, which helps in easy diagnosis and early treatment of acute pancreatitis.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Sai Chandra Niveditha.A (N), Dr.Rigved.N, Dr.Kartheek.S, Dr.CH Srujith, Dr A. Aswini kumar, Dr. Swarnalatha .G COMPARISION OF URINE TRYPSINOGEN WITH SERUM AMYLASE AND LIPASE IN ACUTE PANCREATITISCASE STUDY International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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