Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Comparision of Sending HL7 Pateint Data with use of TrainLM Algorithm and SOAP based on time in Medical Informatics

Kanika Sharma, Rupinder Kaur Gurm

Abstract :

In this paper, analysis the speed of sending message in Healthcare standard 7 with the use of back propagation in

neural network. Various algorithms are define in backpropagtion in neural network we can use trainlm algorithm for
sending message purpose. This algorithm appears to be fastest method for training moderate sized feedforward neural network. The proposed
work is used in healthcare medical data. With the use of backpropagation in health care standard seven (HL7) sending message between two
systems. The proposed work to send HL7 patient data with use of TrainLm and also send patient data with SOAP .Compare both results on
the bases of time. Train LM algorithm is more fastest algorithm it can be increase efficiency and improve accuracy of the system as compare
to SOAP. Calculating less mse value with less time. Sending patient data more efficiently, accurately TrainLM best. It can also improve the
efficiency of the system.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Kanika Sharma Comparision of Sending HL7 Pateint Data with use of TrainLM Algorithm and SOAP based on time in Medical Informatics International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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