Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Comparative Study of the Effect of Yoga Therapy and Herb in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus

Anantha Krishna B. S, Ajithesha N H, Dr. K Krishna Sharma

Abstract :

 Research study entitled �Comparative Study of the Effect of Yoga Therapy and Herb in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus� has been conducted under the guidance of Dr. K. Krishna Sharma, Chairman, Department of Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences, Mangalore University. People suffering from Diabetes Mellitus between the age group 40– 60 years were selected randomly from the KSRP 7th Parade Asaigoli, Mangalore. A 45–day long practical sessions were conducted, with a total of 10 subjects treated as Group I i.e., Experimental group. Another 10 subjects were selected for Group II Experimental group and another 10 subjects were selected for control group. The group I was given with selected yogic practices for one hour daily and suggested to take one teaspoon of Methi Powder in the morning with Empty stomach. The experimental group was progressively introduced to the selected yogic practices decided by Dr. K.Krishna Sharma. The Experimental group II was advised to take one teaspoon of Methi Powder in the Morning with empty stomach and not given any yogic practice. The control group was not given any of the above. The initial and final readings were taken for three groups by testing Glucose Tolerance Test before and after the study. Similarly BP, BMI were also measured. The results of various tests were analyzed through students��t� test and have been compared with the three groups. After Yoga therapy, the experimental group I showed a significant reduction in Blood Glucose level at a level of significance p value <0.05 with p–value 0.03978* for FBS and 0.00705* for Blood Sugar Level after 100grams of glucose in 1/2hour,p=0.00322 for 1 hour,p=0.00189 for 1&1/2 hour,p=0.00325 for 2 hour. Similarly significant results can be observed in the case of Systolic (p=2.53E–06), Diastolic (p=0.001153) Blood Pressure, Weight (p=0.003618) and BMI (p=0.005103). There was significant change in FBS in Experimental Group II also and there was no significant change in Control group. This depicts that the regular practice of the selected yogic techniques with Methi helped to ing down Blood glucose level and improve the activity level in the experimental group I subjects

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Anantha Krishna B.S, Ajithesha N H, Dr. K Krishna Sharma Comparative Study of the Effect of Yoga Therapy and Herb in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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