Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Comparative Study of Inhaled Levosalbutamol and Inhaled Salbutamol In Bronchial Asthma

Dr. Anjali P. Ghare

Abstract :

 Objects: 1] To study pulmonary function test abnormalities in patients suffering from onchial asthma. 2] To assess the reversibility of oncho constriction after inhalation of Salbutamol and Levosalbutamol. 3] To study comparative response of reversibility of oncho constriction with inhaled Salbutamol and LevoSalbutamol. Materials and Methods: 100 selected patient of onchial asthma evaluated for efficiency of inhaled LevoSalbutamol and inhaled Salbutamol. In selected patient onchial spirometry done with computerized med graphics spirometer. Results: This study showed both inhaled Salbutamol and inhaled levoSalbutamol are effective onchodilators in asthma patient with almost similar response. Conclusion: Overall improvement in lung functions with LevoSalbutamol and Salbutamol was almost similar.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Anjali P. Ghare Comparative Study of Inhaled Levosalbutamol and Inhaled Salbutamol In Bronchial Asthma International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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