Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Comparative study of Effectiveness of dexamethasone injection after ORIF in Mandible

Dr Kamal Kishore, Dr Parveen Akhter Lone, Dr Tasleem Kouser

Abstract :

Aims & objectives

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of4mgm  inj dexamethasone IV  intra operatively after  ORIF  on  post operative oedema, pain   & trismus in fracture mandible.

Material &Method. THis prospective study included162 cases of fracture mandible .patients were divided in two groups Patients were divided into two groups randomly. Patients who received IV injection of 4mgm Dexamethasoneintraoperativelywere study group (Group 1)& those who didn’t receive injections of Dexamethasone were categorised as controlled group (Group 11) with 81 patients each. Clinically mouth opening, swelling, infection pain, post operative discomfort were assessed on 2nd, 4th7th, 10 day Th day followed by 4, 8& 12 weeks time

ResultPain ,Mouth Post operative oedema & other postoperative discomfort was significantly less in study group as compared to controlled group

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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DR Kamal Kishore, DR Parveen Akhter Lone, Dr Tasleem Kouser, Comparative study of Effectiveness of dexamethasone injection after ORIF in Mandible, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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