Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Comparative Study if Coagulation Factors in Pre–Eclampsia and Normal Pregnancy

Rutvi Dave, Amit Agravat, Gauravi Dhruva, Ankita Katara

Abstract :

Background : Hematological abnormalities are commonly encountered in pre-eclampsia and poses challenge to life if not diagnosed and managed early. As compared to pre-eclampsia, normal pregnancy does not encounter hematological abnormalities. Monitoring coagulation parameters at times detects unexpected threat which serves as a useful alarm. Methods : Coagulation indices including platelet count, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPPT), plasma fiinogen, and fiin degradation products (FDP) were measured within 24 hours of admission for fifty women with severe Pre-eclampsia and fifty normal pregnant women for 2 year period from January 2012 to December 2013. The patients with coagulopathies were excluded. The coagulation indices were compared between the two groups. Results: The mean value of platelet counts were significantly lower while the mean values of aPPT and FDP were higher in the pre-eclampsia patients. The mean values of plasma fiinogen and PT did not show any statistical difference between these two groups. 47% of the patients with severe pre-eclampsia showed thrombocytopenia, 8 % prolonged PT, 32 % prolonged aPTT, 30 % hypofiinogenemia,and 30 % elevated FDP. Prolonged aPTT was seen in 6% of patients with platelet counts of more than 150 x 103 / mm3 at the admission time. However, these patients showed evidence of coagulopathies and needed to receive blood or blood products later in their hospitalization duration. Conclusion: In case an abnormal platelet count or aPTT is detected in a patient with severe pre-eclampsia, a coagulopathic disorder should be clinically suspected.

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Rutvi Dave, Amit Agravat, Gauravi Dhruva, Ankita Katara Comparative Study if Coagulation Factors in Pre-Eclampsia and Normal Pregnancy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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