Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Comparative Studies of Protein Profile of Cleavage Stage of Lymnaea species after using Antitubulin Drug

Dr. Payal Mahobiya

Abstract :

Lymnaea species are the pest of aquatic plants and aquatic vegetations. It is found in fresh water pond and lakes. These pestiferous snails are also prolific eeders and acts as vector or intermediate host of trematode parasites. So it is very essential to control the fertility, hatchability, viability by increasing the rate of mortality and declining the rate of longevity. So the present investigation was done to know more about the intoxication of alkaloid on development of snail pest. In this study paclitaxel and colchicine was tested for lethal toxicity of cleavage stage of Lymnaea species and values of lethal toxicity was summarized in table 1 and 2. Detection of negatively charged protein fraction in cleavage stage of control and treated snails by SDS–PAGE of Lymnaea species was assessed in the present investigation.

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Dr. Payal Mahobiya Comparative Studies of Protein Profile of Cleavage Stage of Lymnaea species after using Antitubulin Drug International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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