Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Comparative Phytochemical Analysis of Rutaceae Family (Citrus Species) Extracts

Ashwin Rajkumar. R, P. Balamurugan, Prasad. M. P

Abstract :

Citrus fruits, which belong to the family of Rutaceae, synthesize and accumulate in their cells a great variety of phytochemicals including low molecular phenolics, acetophenones, terpenoids, flavanoids, stilbenes and condensed tannins. Solvents are effectively used in extracting phytochemicals from plant samples. In the present investigation different citrus species namely, Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus hystrix, Citrus maxima, Citrus reticulata, Murraya koenigii and Citrus medica have been used and were subjected to phytochemical analysis. Solvents such as methanol, hexane and ethanol were utilized for phytochemical analysis. The present study showed that methanolic and hexane solvents had more phytonutrients being extracted when compared to ethanolic solvent. C.reticulata showed the least amount of the phytochemicals in all the solvents used. Alkaloid, Carbohydrate, Cardiac glycoside were present in all the samples for all the three solvents used for extraction in the present study.a

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Ashwin Rajkumar.R, P.Balamurugan, Prasad.M.P Comparative Phytochemical Analysis of Rutaceae Family (Citrus Species) Extracts International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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