Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013


Dr. Anuj Kr. Deshwal, Dr. Apoorva Tripathi, Dr. Supriti Bhatnagar

Abstract :

Various diameter of head of femur have been used for comparative study in different region. Therefore we under took the study of head of femur in population of Western Uttar Pradesh .The present study addresses the question of estimating ancestry and comparative study in forensic and archaeological investigation of skeletal remain using measurement from head of femur. In this study we measured 140 dry adult human femora (84 male, 56 female) obtained from department of Anatomy, Subharti Medical college Meerut Uttar Pardesh. Mean values of femoral head obtained were 45.69 and 41.17mm vertical diameter male and female, 44.98 and 41.63mm for transverse diameter in male and female respectively.

Measurement done in our study and result obtained would provide a great help in performing orthopedic surgery like hip replacement.

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DR.Anuj Kr. Deshwal, Dr. Apoorva Tripathi, Dr. Supriti Bhatnagar COMPARATIVE MEASUREMENT OF DIAMETER OF FEMORAL International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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