Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2020

Comparative Evaluation Of Bone Changes After Implant Placement And Loading With And Without Flap Elevation-An Invivo Study

Munuganti. Niharika, Angadi. Kalyan Chakravarthy, Bhanu Chander. Vydadi, Veerendra Prasad. Budige, Avinash. Ramavarapu, Santosh Kumar. Muradi

Abstract :

Background: For the implant treatment modality to be successful, maximum attention should be focused on minimizing the trauma to the supporting bone and surrounding soft tissues. The aim of the study: To compare and evaluate the crestal bone changes after implant placement using flap elevation and flapless technique. Materials and methods: This study comprised of 30 implants placed in 15 subjects. In each subject, one implant was placed with “flapless” and other using “flap elevation” technique. Radiographic assessment of crestal bone height was carried out using standardized intraoral periapical radiograph of the site at baseline, 3 months, 6months, 9 months after implant placement. Data was checked for normality using one way ANOVA test, compared using paired t test, independent t test on both mesial and distal sides separately. Results: There was statistically significant difference in bone loss among two groups. Conclusion: Both techniques showed a reduction in CBH with time but the flapless technique showed a lesser reduction. Therefore, the flapless technique can be considered as a better treatment approach for placement of implants, especially where adequate width and height of available bone are present.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF BONE CHANGES AFTER IMPLANT PLACEMENT AND LOADING WITH AND WITHOUT FLAP ELEVATION-AN INVIVO STUDY, Munuganti.Niharika, Angadi.Kalyan Chakravarthy, Bhanu chander.Vydadi, Veerendra Prasad.Budige, Avinash.Ramavarapu, Santosh kumar.Muradi INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2020

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