Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of Aqueous & Alcoholic Glycarrhiza Glabra root extract and Chlorhexidine against Streptococcus Mutans and Enterococcus Faecalis -An in vitro study

Dr. Chetan Bhat, Dr Trupti Mutha, Dr. Shweta Chaudhary, Dr. Sanket Kunte, Dr. Amol Kamble, Dr. Smita Patil

Abstract :

 Introduction– Glycarrhiza Glaa commonly known as licorice is used since years to relieve coughs sore throats & gastric inflammation. Thus

considering antimicrobial properties of licorice, present study is conducted for benefits of oral diseases including dental caries. Streptococcus
Mutans is highly associated with dental caries as an important etiological agent in initiation of caries and Enterococcus Faecalis is prevalent in
endodontic infections. Hence, to evaluate cariostatic properties of licorice the present study is carried out.
Aim–To evaluate antibacterial activity of Glycarrhiza Glaa on selected oral microbes
Method–The antibacterial activity of Glycarrhiza Glaa against oral pathogens is evaluated by disk diffusion methods
Results –The results depict that licorice both extract have marked activity against tested samples in which alcoholic showing better zones of growth
Conclusion– Hence, due to cariostatic properties of licorice, it can be involved into caries preventive regimen by selectively inhibiting cariogenic
bacteria basically targeted for use in pediatric population

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr.Chetan Bhat, Dr Trupti Mutha, Dr.Shweta Chaudhary, Dr.Sanket Kunte, Dr.Amol Kamble, Dr.Smita Patil, Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial properties of Aqueous & Alcoholic Glycarrhiza Glabra root extract and Chlorhexidine against Streptococcus Mutans and Enterococcus Faecalis –An in vitro study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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