Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Comparative assessment of antimicrobial efficacy of Triple Antibiotic and Chlorhexidine Gluconate as a rootcanal irrigants against E. Faecalis and C. Albicans – An invitro study.

Dr. Vishwakarma Aruna P, Dr. Mujawar Shoeb A, Dr. Bondarde Prashant A, Dr. Patil Sudha B, Dr. Vishwakarma Prashanth Y, Dr Girija Dodamani, Dr. Jayachandra Mg, Dr Abhinav Parakh

Abstract :

 Background:             Key goal of successful endodontic treatment is elimination or suppression of the bacteria in the root canal. Objective:             To assess and compare antimicrobial efficacy of Triple Antibiotic and Chlorhexidine Gluconate as a root–canal irrigant against E. Faecalis and C. Albicans. Methodology: The present in–vitro study was conducted at private medical institute, Dhule. To assess the antibacterial efficacy of triple antibiotic solution and chlorhexidine gluconate; present study was divided into 3 parts: 1) Assessment of zone of inhibition (ZOI) by well–diffusion method 2) Time–kill curve approach and 3) Mininal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The test organisms chosen for the present study were E. Faecalis and C. Albicans as they are the most frequently isolated species from the root canals of endodontically failed teeth. Freeze dried strains of E. Faecalis (MTCC 35550) and C. Albicans (MTCC 209) were obtained from IMTECH, Chandigarh. Results:             There was statistically no significant difference in zone of inhibition for three concentrations of triple antibiotic solution as well as chlorhexidine gluconate on E. Faecalis where as it was noted with C. Albicans at 5% of level of significance. Pairwise comparisons of ZOI showed statistically significant difference on test organisms. Kruskal Wallis test was used to find the significance of study parameters between three or more groups. Results of MIC showed that triple antibiotic solution and chlorhexidine gluconate, both were effective against test organisms. In Time–kill curve approach CHX showed no growth on both organisms whereas TAS showed growth on C. Albicans only after first 3 minutes. Conclusion:             From the present study it was seen that TAS was most effective against E. Faecalis and CHX was effective against C. Albicans.

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Dr. Vishwakarma Aruna P, Dr. Mujawar Shoeb A, Dr. Bondarde Prashant A, Dr. Patil Sudha B, Dr. Vishwakarma Prashanth Y, Dr Girija Dodamani, Dr. Jayachandra MG, Dr Abhinav Parakh, Comparative assessment of antimicrobial efficacy of Triple Antibiotic and Chlorhexidine Gluconate as a rootcanal irrigants against E. Faecalis and C. Albicans – An invitro study., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-3 | MARCH‾2017

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