Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Comparative Analysis of Physical Growth and Coordinative Abilities Among Rural and Urban School Boys

Raghupathi K. , Dr. P. C. Krishnaswamy

Abstract :

Childhood is considered one of the most important stages in man’s life. During this stage, a child’s abilities develop and his talents mature and they gets suitable and passive. The study on physical growth of children is the most important criteria for recognizing health of children. Increase in height and weight are the clinical sign of growth. Coordination is about controlling all of body parts while doing different activities of children. It is about making and maintaining connections between the ain and the muscles that control movement of the children. The purpose of the study was to compare the physical growth and coordinative abilities between urban and rural school going boys. For this purpose One hundred eighty boys age ranging from 10 to 15 years were selected as subjects for the study of which ninety were urban and the remaining ninety boys were rural school going from different schools of Bangalore District, Karnataka. The subjects were tested their respective school ground for a week. The criterion measures included are height, weight and chest circumference, differentiation ability was used measured by backward medicine ball throw test; hand–eye coordination was used measured by alternate hand wall toss test. For the purpose of comparison of above criterion variables between rural and urban school going boys, ‘t’ ratio statistical technique was used to analyze the data through SPSS package. The level of significance was set at p

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Raghupathi K., Dr. P.C. Krishnaswamy Comparative Analysis of Physical Growth and Coordinative Abilities Among Rural and Urban School Boys International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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