Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Colonic Barotrauma with Tension Pneumoperitoneum – Review of Literature and Report of A Successfully Treated Case

Dr. Madhav Thatte, Dr. Suhas Vasantrao Taralekar, Dr. Kshitij Raghuvanshi

Abstract :

Iatrogenic [due to colonoscopy or barium enema ], accidental [ road traffic or industrial ] or solid object [ foreign body ] inflicted colonic injuries are common .[1]. The colonic perforations due to Barotrauma are frequently related to therapeutic colonoscopies and do not result in tension pneumoperitoneum. They are commonly encountered in patients of advanced age with multiple co morbidities. However, Barotrauma to bowel, from compressed air or liquid is of rare occurrence. It occurs in younger individuals and rapidly develops tension pneumoperitoneum. [2]. Pneumatic rupture of colon accompanied by tension pneumoperitoneum is a rare, unique and serious emergency that warrants prompt surgical intervention, else, it may prove fatal. We report a case of Colonic Barotrauma with tension pneumoperitoneum, treated with a favourable outcome.

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Dr. Madhav Thatte, Dr. Suhas Vasantrao Taralekar, Dr.kshitij Raghuvanshi Colonic Barotrauma with Tension Pneumoperitoneum – Review of Literature and Report of A Successfully Treated Case International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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