Volume : I, Issue : III, August - 2012

Collection And Services Of Special Libraries In Raebareli (India): A Survey

Dr. Sharad Kumar Sonker, Pooja

Abstract :

Liary plays a vital role in collecting, organizing and disseminating information for the benefit of researchers, students, faculty member and others. Information technology has played tremendous role in liary and information services. This paper is a result of a survey conducted to know the collection and services of special liary of Raibareli district of Uttar Pradesh. It also highlights the status of liary building, automation, strengths of staff, IT competencies among liary staff, source of information, liary network, equipments, liary services offered by liary etc. therefore, It was concluded that in order to meet the challenges, emerging out of liary services and management, suggestions have been given to enriching and effective delivery of information services to compete the faster growing environment

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Dr. Sharad Kumar Sonker, Pooja Collection And Services Of Special Libraries In Raebareli (India): A Survey

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