Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Collaborative Prescribing by Nurses in Zaragoza (Spain). Current Situation and Analysis of Variables

Prof. Luis Carlos Redondo Cast N, Prof. Dr. M Ximo A. Gonz Lez Jurado, Dr. Ra L Ju Rez Vela

Abstract :

In Spain, there are few legislative references in which the Nurse is considered a professional independent of his or her specific duties related to nursing care. As a result of the modification of a medication law, Nursing is now considered a profession with its own responsibilities with regard to prescribing medication. The objectives set forth in this study are designed to highlight the achievement of collaborative prescribing by nurses in the public hospitals of Zaragoza, Spain. A cross-sectional descriptive methodology is used to collect data on prescription drugs and health products prescribed by nurses with a survey developed and validated ad hoc. The primary finding was that the prescription of drugs and health products by nurses is a common practice. The groups of prescription drugs most often prescribed by nurses in collaborative practice are analgesic (painkillers), antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory drugs. The statistically significant relationships between socio-demographic and professional variables are also highlighted.

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Prof. Luis Carlos Redondo Castán, Prof. Dr. Máximo A. González Jurado, Dr. Raúl Juárez Vela Collaborative Prescribing by Nurses in Zaragoza (Spain). Current Situation and Analysis of Variables International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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