Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Colchiploidy in Fruit Breeding– A review

M. Kishor Kumar , M. Usha Rani

Abstract :

Polyploidy is one of the crop improvement tools using in fruit crops. Colchiploidy is defined as the polyploidy induced by application of colchicne. Colchicine treatment is the most effective and the most widely used treatment for chromosome doubling. It has been used with great success in a large number of crop species belonging to both dicot and monocot groups. This method was already exploited in many fruit crops for improvement of different traits. This paper aims to give an insight on the practical application of colchiploidy in different fruit crops.

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M. Kishor Kumar , M. Usha Rani Colchiploidy in Fruit Breeding- A review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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