Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Cohesiveness and Leadership Styles Among The Employees in Public Sector Organizations in Chennai

D. Anitha Kumari

Abstract :

This study aims to identify the relationship between the directive and supportive leadership styles and the cohesiveness if any. The identified research problem is whether there is any relationship between leadership styles and cohesiveness exists in the public sector organizations in Chennai? Accordingly three objectives of the study are; to identify the relationship between directive leadership style and cohesiveness, to identify the relationship between supportive leadership style and cohesiveness and to identify which leadership is highly impact to develop cohesiveness. The selected sample consists of 73 non managerial employees of public sector, those who employed in various public sector institutions in the Colombo district in Chennai. A questionnaire was used to collect primary data, from the sample. The Person correlation analysis was used to data analysis and hypothesis testing. According to the correlation results, both directive and supportive leadership styles have indicated positive relationship with cohesiveness, but supportive leadership has a strong relationship with the cohesiveness.

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D.ANITHA KUMARI Cohesiveness and Leadership Styles Among The Employees in Public Sector Organizations in Chennai International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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