Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Cognitive Science Perspective: Synectics As a Model of Learning Metaphors

V. Hema Nalini

Abstract :

Teaching, a dynamic process is a fluid interplay of various factors - of how thoughts, ideas and emotions interact with the environment and get transformed in the minds of the learners. Excellent teaching relies on several tools of inquiry that shape and reshape our learning environment. An attempt is made here to elaborate one such tool of inquiry ‘Synectics’ as a Model of teaching. Even though it is called a model of teaching, it is in fact to be called a model of learning as the aim of teaching is to create generative or self-directed learners; this metacognitive strategy endows ownership of learning to the learners.

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V. Hema Nalini Cognitive Science Perspective: Synectics As a Model of Learning Metaphors International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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