Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Co–relation of Serum Uric Acid levels in Essential Hypertension

Dr. Amit Kumar

Abstract :

Hypertension may be due to increased oxidative stress. As urate is natural anti–oxidant, increase in level of hypertension is a case or effect of raised uric acid level.Aim:Aim of the present study was to evaluate serum uric acid levels in cases of Essential Hypertension and comparison with normotensives(controls) in different grades of hypertension. Material and Methods:100 subjects were observed out of which 50 were normal healthy control groups and 50 were of Essential Hypertension. Hypertensive subjects were further subdivided into 2 groups based on the level of BP(JNC–7).Results:Mean serum Uric Acid levels is found to be 4.844mg/dl in 50 controls and 5.728mg/dl in 50 cases of Essential Hypertension, 5.5238mg/dl in stage 1 hypertension(BP=140–159mmHg) and 5.8759 in stage 2 hypertension(BP>160mmHg).Conclusion: It is seen that hypertension is related to rise in mean serum uric acid levels and this rise is directly related to severity of hypertension. Randomized control trials need to be done to see whether lowering serum uric acid level will ameliorate the level of blood pressure.

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Dr. Amit Kumar, Co–relation of Serum Uric Acid levels in Essential Hypertension, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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