Volume : I, Issue : III, August - 2012

Cloud To Devising Messaging (C2dm) And Their Applications For Mobile Devices.

Biren M Patel, Vijaykumar B Gadhavi, Ashish Kumar

Abstract :

In this paper, we discuss what mobile cloud is and what the differences between traditional cloud systems and mobile cloud systems are. At first, we point out mobile peculiarities such as battery constrains and computation weakness, and then we envision cloud system architecture for mobile devices that addresses these two issues. Specifically, we introduce mobile sensor virtualization and remote execution as essential components of mobile cloud system. At last, we show canonical services benefiting from our mobile cloud system.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Biren M Patel, Vijaykumar B Gadhavi, Ashish Kumar Cloud To Devising Messaging (C2dm) And Their Applications For Mobile Devices. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.III August 2012

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