Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Cloud Computing – Challenges Ahead for Human Resource Managers

Sandeep. K, Rachana . C. R

Abstract :

Cloud systems are often different from the traditional IT infrastructure set up by a company itself because they are normally provided by a third party supplier, and hence businesses do not have much control over the cloud system as compared to their own IT infrastructure. But, in reality, cloud computing and security goes hand-in-hand. A cloud computing facility managed by an experienced vendor can offer substantially greater security than an in-house data centre. This is because of the vendor’s ability and obligation to invest continually in the security apparatus that wraps around its service delivery. The primary reason for employers making the decision of choosing a cloud-based system is because the human resource professionals can effectively process products offline, which they were once doing in-house.In terms of cloud, HR professionals also have greater challenges in their roles in the process of recruitment and training the employees in IT sector. This paper will concentrate on such issues and challenges to be faced by the HR professionals.

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SANDEEP.K, RACHANA .C.R Cloud Computing - Challenges Ahead for Human Resource Managers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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