Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Clinicohematological study of pancytopenia in a tertiary care hospital

Dr. Deepak Pandurang Dangmali, Dr. Meenal Sachin Shingade, Dr. Kalpana K. Kulkarni, Dr. Nalini Kadgi, Dr. S. C. Puranik

Abstract :

Pancytopenia is common clinicohematologicalentity encountered in day to day clinical practice. Causes may be due to bone marrow failure, bone marrow infiltration, ineffective erythropoiesis or peripheral pooling/destruction pf hematopoietic cells. Bone marrow is usually required to establish diagnosis. This study is aimed to identify the frequent causes in patients of pancytopenia admitted in tertiary care hospital and to determine incidence in relation to age, sex and clinicohematological correlation.

This retrospective study was done in Department of Pathology, Sassoon general hospital, Pune over a period of 2 years. Total 191 cases of bone marrow studied in patients presented with pancytopenia. Males were predominantly affected. Highest incidence of pancytopenia was found in the age group of 31–40 years. Megaloblastic anaemia (52.88%) was the commonest cause followed by dimorphic anaemia (17.28%), Hypoplastic marrow (12.04%) and acute leukemia (5.76%). Bone marrow examination is useful investigation to decipher the causes of pancytopenia.

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Dr. Deepak Pandurang Dangmali, Dr. Meenal Sachin Shingade, Dr. Kalpana K. Kulkarni, Dr. Nalini Kadgi, Dr. S. C. Puranik, Clinicohematological study of pancytopenia in a tertiary care hospital, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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