Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Clinically oriented physiology teaching to reinforce basic physiological concepts

Dr K. Deepalakshmi, Dr. P. Sathyavathi, Dr. R. Divya, Dr. S. Vijayabaskaran, Dr. R. L. Bhavya, Dr. K. Shyamalagowri

Abstract :

 Context: Medical education has seen major changes which redefine the role of conventional approaches. Integrated approach to basic sciences in the form of clinical case discussions will develop better comprehension of basic sciences concepts, development of clinical skills and higher order thinking. Aims: Our study aimed to assess students’ skills in critical–appraisal and level of knowledge before and after implementation of clinical oriented physiology teaching; Settings and Design: This cross sectional study was conducted in Physiology department, PSGIMS&R, Coimbatore among I year MBBS students. Methods and Material: Teaching module consisting of case histories with set of critical thinking questions, list of learning objectives for topic in gastrointestinal physiology, students and facilitators guide were developed and validated. Faculty and students were oriented to teaching methodology. After 2 hours of didactic lecture pretest was conducted. Teaching module was implemented to the class of 120 students in three sessions. Post test was conducted to assess their knowledge after intervention. Set of critical thinking questions in the form of Short Answer Questions was administered to assess the students’ ability in critical appraisal. Statistical analysis: Students’ performance before and after implementation of clinically oriented teaching were analyzed using paired t test and critical thinking ability using descriptive statistics Results: Out of 120 students, 94 students attended three sessions of case discussions, pre and post test. Significant difference in scores of students before (8.92±2.25) and after (11.36±2.74) the implementation of clinically oriented teaching was observed with p<0.01.80% of the students had secured above 50% in assessment of their critical thinking ability. Conclusions: Inculcating clinical oriented teaching along with didactic lectures reinforced and facilitated better comprehension and retention of knowledge among students.

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Dr K.Deepalakshmi, Dr.P.Sathyavathi, Dr.R.Divya, Dr.S.Vijayabaskaran, Dr.R.L.Bhavya, Dr. K. Shyamalagowri Clinically oriented physiology teaching to reinforce basic physiological concepts International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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