Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Clinical Study on Post Operative Wound Infections

Dr. S. Vijaya Mohan Rao, Dr. O. Siddharth

Abstract :

Causesof post–operativewoundinfectionare multifactorial, determined bytheinteractionofseveralfactors:thenatur eanddegree of contaminationofthewound,localtissuefactorsandthegeneralresistanceof thepatientprobablymodified bytherapeuticmeasures.Variousfactorsboth intrinsicandextrinsictothepatienthavebeenincriminatedtowoundsepsis.This is a prospective study conducted in the General surgery department during the period between June 2011 to Oct 2013. Out of the 346 wounds in the study 47 got infected. Of these 27 were mild infections, 11 were moderate infections and 9 were severe infections including 1 burst abdomen. The overall infection rate in this study was 13.58%.

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DR.S. VIJAYA MOHAN RAO,Dr.O.Siddharth Clinical Study on Post Operative Wound Infections International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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