Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Clinical Study of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery

Dr Prabhakar Gawandi, Dr Jadhav C A, Dr M A Shinde

Abstract :

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1) To study the incidence, the efficacy and safety of attempted vaginal birth after previous one cesarean section.2)To study the maternal and perinatal outcome in vaginal birth after previous one cesarean section. Method. All women with previous one cesarean section for non–recurrent indications admitted in labor room of our hospital during the period from November 2011 to August 2013 were studied. RESULT Out of 727 patients 67.26% delivered vaginally and 32.74% required repeat cesarean section due to various reasons. The rate of successful VBAC is significantly more in patients with H/O prior vaginal delivery. There was more no. of patients delivered vaginally when the previous indication was abnormal presentation Rate of cesarean section was more when the previous indication was failed induction Conclusion we concluded that trial of labor after one cesarean section should be undertaken in selected patients in well equipped hospitals. Vaginal delivery is much safer than repeat cesarean section.

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Dr Prabhakar gawandi, Dr Jadhav C A, Dr M A Shinde Clinical Study of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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