Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Clinical study of ocular trauma at Government Medical College and Hospital.

Dr Dm Darade, Dr Vs Nandedkar

Abstract :

 Aim: Our case series was aimed to study the demographic profile of ocular trauma, its complications and visual outcome after surgical intervention. Materials and methods: The retrospective case series study was conducted from August 2011 to July 2013 at a tertiary centre. The study was done on 46 patients attending outpatient department and casualty of Government Medical College and Hospital. Ocular evaluation including visual acuity, anterior and posterior segment findings, intra–ocular pressure and gonioscopy, X–ray orbit, B–scan and CT scan were done. All routine investigations were carried out. Results: The mean age of presentation was 23.60 years. Male to female ratio was 2.06:1. Majority of the cases (36.95%)suffered ocular trauma at work place. 76.08% cases suffered open globe injuries,23.91% suffered close globe injuries. At presentation 56.52% cases had only perception of light and projection of rays. 21.73% cases were presented with no perception of light. After surgical intervention 13.04% improved best corrected visual acuity to ≥6/60, 58.69% improved BCVA to ≤6/60, 21.73% cases were not improved beyond perception of light. Discussion: Ocular trauma is important cause of ocular morbidity and blindness. Marked prepondence is seen in males due to outdoor activities and in children due to aggressiveness. Conclusion: Ocular trauma is a vision threatening problem. So the target group at risk should be provided with effective eye care. Eye health education is important to reduce the magnitude of blindness

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Dr DM Darade, Dr VS Nandedkar Clinical Study of Ocular Trauma at Government Medical College and Hospital. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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