Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Clinical study of aggression among high school students

Seema Anis, Sunayna Pandey, Sarthak Dave, Harsh Oza, Ankit Panchmatia

Abstract :

 Aggression affects academic learning and emotional development, which damages the personality and precipitates extreme violence, if not controlled early. The study aimed to determine the magnitude,types and  the influence of age and sex on aggressive behaviour. It was a cross–sectional study of 400 participants who were asked to complete a self–administered questionnaire (Buss and Perry; Direct and Indirect aggression scales). Overall, 62.49% of the students were physically aggressive, 61.25% were verbally aggressive .Verbal aggression was higher in girls (70%) than in boys (57.5%), direct active aggression was more common among boys (48%) than girls (33%). Physical aggression was found more in boys while verbal aggression was found more in girls. As the age/class increased, physical direct active aggression decreased while physical indirect passive and verbal indirect passive aggression increased.

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Seema Anis, Sunayna Pandey, Sarthak Dave, Harsh Oza, Ankit Panchmatia, Clinical study of aggression among high school students, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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