Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Clinical Profile of Pancytopenia in Adults

Dr. Haridas B. Prasad, Dr Sachin Sarode, Dr. Dilip B. Kadam

Abstract :

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES a)To study etiology,clinical features , complications and outcome after treatment of Pancytopenia . MATERIAL AND METHODS: - The study included 50 patients with Pancytopenia above 12 yrs of age. The patients were followed up after 2 weeks and 1 months interval . INVESTIGATIONS :- Hemogram Including Hb ,Blood indices ,RDWs, DDLC ,Reticulocyte Count Bonemarrow aspiration + Biopsy ,ESR, USG abdomen Chest X-ray. Wherever indicated Vit B 12 levels ,Sr. LDH levels, Cluster differentiation for cell., Sr. Fe / TIBC Sr., Ferritin, HIV, Bone marrow Culture ,Blood Culture , ANA, ds DNA ,Special Stains for leukemia ,Ham’s Test ,Brucella antigen test , Sr ACE level. OBSERVATIONS Out of the 50 cases, 31 were males and 19 females. The ETIOLOGY in these 50 cases was as follows Megaloblastic anemia 25(50%) Hypoplastic / aplastic anemia 10(20%),Subleukemic leukemia 4(8%) ,Myelodysplasia 3(6%), Hypersplenism 2(4%), Idiopathic thrombocytopenia 2(4%), Tuberculosis 1(2%), Falciparum Malaria 1(2%) ,Myelofiosis 1(2%) and Metastatic carcinoma 1(2%)Common symptoms were pallor 49, Fever 24,generalized weakness 27,dyspnoea 24.bleeding manifestations 17,pedal edema 7, jaundice 8,ascites 1, loose motions 9,Hepatomegaly 21 ,Splenomegaly 18, Lymphadenopathy 8. Bleeding manifestations like epistaxis, gum bleeding, PV bleeding and petechial rash were common in hypoplastic / aplastic anemia group All the four cases of subleukemic leukemia were showing lymphadenopathy PBS picture Anisocytosis in (58%), NCNC morphology in(34%) and dimorphic picture in (8%) cases. Hypersegmented polyrnorphs was the commonest peripheral blood finding in megaloblastic anemia. Reticulocytosis was increased in 10 out of 50 cases of pancytopenia (20%). The Hb ranged from 2 to 9 gm/dl, platelet counts ranged from 10,000/mm3 - 1.26 lakh/mm3 . COMPLICATIONS seen in 37 pts(74%) in the form of UTI, LRTI ,GI and Skin infections ,FUO, GI and Mucosal bleeding, and CCF . RECOVERY good clinical and Hematological recovery was seen in all pt with specific treatment.

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Dr.Haridas B. Prasad, Dr Sachin Sarode, Dr.Dilip B.Kadam Clinical Profile of Pancytopenia in Adults International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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